Catacombs Conquest

Catacombs Conquest

  • $29.99
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Catacombs Conquest.

  • Catacombs Conquest™ combines a card game with a dexterity game.
  • Two or four players play cards and flick wooden discs from either the heroic Sword Team or villainous Skull Team to eliminate their opponent’s Health Tokens.
  • Features “mobile obstacles” that can be controlled by players to provide strategic cover or disrupt the plans of opponents.
  • Cardboard walls, joined with plastic stands, define the play area of the game and prevent discs from falling off the table.

The witch, Lenore, has captured heroes from across the world to engage in a contest of wits and strength to recharge a magic statue she found in the catacomb. In Catacombs Conquest, a player chooses a card from their hand that represents a character from their chosen team (Sword or Skull). Then they flick their “character disc” or “ranged disc” (representing arrows, fireballs etc.) in the play area attempting to hit their opponent’s disc. Quick to learn, set up, and play, the game is ideal for casual players and families.

Players: 2-4 players, ages 14+.

Play Time: 15-30 minutes.