Four Against Darkness - Audacious Adversaries
Audacious Adversaries is a supplement for Four Against Darkness for parties of level 5-9. It features new monsters, new retainers, special features and unique treasures. Featuring: Zombie and Silver Sigbins, Creeping Kapres, Green Genies, Sentient Floating Fireballs, Maggot Warriors, Scarred Scarecrows, Corpse Golems, Cavalier Ghouls, Werehippos, Taunting Tiyanaks, Viridian Spiders, Polychromatic Dragons, plus 6 New Trap Rooms, 6 New Special Features , 12 New Magic and Unique Items, 6 Useless Items, 10 new retainers (Veteran Bodyguard, Eye Surgeon, Treasure Expert, Decoy, Fungi Fighter, Orc Negotiator, Wizard's Assistant, Chronicler, Curse Neutralizer and Dungeon Runner) and 8 Quick Encounters for short sessions. You need Four Against Darkness and Four Against the Abyss to use this book. While designed with expert parties in mind,