Panzer Expansion #3 shifts the action to the Western Front where the US and British forces drive the beleaguered German units across Western Europe and into the very heart of Germany.
The Reference & Scenario book includes a host of new optional rules covering Suggested Initiative, Spot Removal, Delayed Reaction, Bocage Country, Defensive Fire, and many others including complete rules and reference tables for airborne and glider operations. A few new special units, like the Churchill Crocodile flamethrower tank, stoke up the action to a new level.
The Reference & Scenario book includes a host of new optional rules covering Suggested Initiative, Spot Removal, Delayed Reaction, Bocage Country, Defensive Fire, and many others including complete rules and reference tables for airborne and glider operations. A few new special units, like the Churchill Crocodile flamethrower tank, stoke up the action to a new level.