The Heart of the Lizard - Four Against Darkness - Paperback edition
Four Against Darkness. And what in darkness dwells. Heart of the Lizard is a novella set in the world of Four against Darkness. Follow Haq, Kil, Gress and Varda in the abandoned remains of the ancient Temple of Zur, the god of death, on the trail of a fabled, mystical treasure. “What sort of treasure are we talking about?” Gress asked, cautiously. “An emerald the size of a fist—” Haq said. “Cursed,” Kil said. “—inside an old temple filled with riches—” “Haunted,” the elf interjected. “—one day out of this town—” “A cesspool,” the sorceress added. “—south, in the hills.” “Where the goblins dwell.” A big grin split Gress' bruised features. “This is getting better and better,” he said. “When do we start?” A gaming appendix gives full descriptions and stats for new monsters, treasures, and the Fire Mage, a new magic-using character class, for use with the Four Against Darkness solo game.