Battlesworn: Knights and Knaves
Knights and Knaves is a supplement for the Battlesworn: Bid for Victory miniatures rules. 18 new Classes: Tested against the basic classes of Battlesworn: Bid For Victory, Knights and Knaves adds rules for Acrobat, Alchemist, Assassin, Bard, Beast, Berserker, Chaos Warrior, Construct, Druid, Giant, Monk, Paladin, Pistoleer, Priest , Ranger, Swarm, Witch, and Witch Hunter. More Magic: This book adds generic magic melee and ranged weapons, Talismans, Amulets, Potions, and 12 new spells, all formatted as cards that can be printed or photocopied. Solo Play: Guidelines for solitaire play are included. THIS IS A SUPPLEMENT. THE CORE RULEBOOK BATTLESWORN: BID FOR VICTORY IS REQUIRED TO PLAY.