SNAP SHIPS TACTICS - Welcome to the future, where humanity is under siege from a brutal alien threat known as The Komplex. To defeat them, the pilots of The Forge fly modular spacecraft known as Snap Ships: agile fighters, fast attack craft, armored bombers, and more. Snap Ships Tactics is a strategic miniatures battle game you play with fully customizable ship models. Each player builds a squadron of ships and commands them in tactical combat over a series of rounds. Construct ships from a library of over 100 included parts (more with expansions!) so your creation flies and fights the way YOU want. Destroy your opponent’s squadron to win - then build new ships and battle again. AI cards let you battle solo or co-op against enemy units controlled by the game. Mix and Match. Based on the Snap Ships connection system, models build quickly and hold tightly. This Starter Box includes over 100 individual plastic pieces and 16 example builds to get you started, plus everything needed to battle 1v1 or Solo. Snap Ships Tactics - because the best ship is the one YOU create! For 1-2 players. 30-60 minute playing time. Ages 14+.